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Warsaw Hostels

Warsaw Hostels Directory

Welcome to the European hostels directory from Euro-Hostels. We have selected only the best hostels in Paris to help you find the perfect hostel, as well as providing great value hostels in Edinburgh, Glasgow and Newcastle.

Warsaw is the capital city of Poland and also the largest with a population of around 1.7 million.  It is steeped in history, ancient and modern.  The city has numerous culutural buildings with magnificent architecture with a substantial amount of tourist attractions.

If you are planning a journey to Warsaw, then be sure to check out the following hostels:

You can book these hostels, and thousands of others, with our valued hostel booking partner, Hostelbookers, right here.

http://www.jumpinnhostel.com/ - Jump Inn Hostel Warsaw
http://www.hostel-helvetia.pl - Hostel Helvetia
http://www.nathansvilla.com/ - Nathan's Villa Warsaw
http://www.tamkahostel.pl/ - Tamka Hostel